Hace algunas semanas se hizo público el anuncio del ganador del Premio Herralde para este año, quien es el colombiano Antonio Ungar. Pueden encontrar la nota de el periódico madrileño El País aquí. Antonio Ungar es un joven escritor colombiano quien ha publicado algunos libros, y quien no ha tenido mucho reconocimiento en Colombia aunque hace parte de un grupo de jovenes escritores colombianos que han tenido algo de buena prensa. Aunque los nombres de Mario Mendoza, Juan Gabriel Vazquez, Santiago Gamboa y/o Efraím Medina Reyes son mucho más comunes, a mi parecer, en la boca de los "conocedores", y también creo que sus libros tienen bastante más difusión que los de Antonio Ungar, es este último quien gana el preciado Herralde. Le he seguido, y por supuesto que no soy el único, la trayectoria desde que publicó Zanahorias voladoras en el 2004 en la Editorial Alfaguara, y por boca de alguno de mis queridos amigos peruanos se que este libro tuvo buena prensa y presentó su libro en varios lugares de latinoamérica. Igual creo que sus libros no se consiguen fácilmente y es una pena.
Sus dos primeros textos publicados en Norma a finales de siglo, Trece circos comunes y De ciertos animales tristes son imposibles de conseguir, y su penúltima incursión en la ficción Las orejas del lobo (Ediciones B) tampoco es de fácil acceso. A contrario de esto, su último libro, Tres ataúdes blancos que saldrá muy pronto (o tal vez ya salió) posiblemente cambie totalmente la difusión del autor, al cual considero uno de los mejores narradores colombianos contemporáneos.
Afortunadamente parece que los dos libros de Norma fueron compilados este año también en una edición de Alfaguara que lleva el nombre de Trece circos y otros cuentos comunes para los interesados. Me gustaría decir más de esa narrativa cortante y melancólica; de los extraños pero delicados perfiles psicológicos de sus personajes, y de la aparente fácil lectura de sus relatos, que esconden honduras del alma profundamente exploradas. Pero será en otro momento con algo más de tiempo. Por ahora les dejo la inquietud, y ojalá, las ganas de leer a este joven y genial escritor.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
De adioses y silencios.

Le debo mucho a Saramago en mi vida literaria. El, más que cualquier otro autor, hizo que yo me enamorara de las palabras, de su poder, y de sus falencias. El hizo que me enamorara de novelar fantasias y realidades por igual. De leer y escribir. Que son parte de la misma cosa.
Su último libro, Caín, mucho más corto de a lo que nos tiene acostumbrado, parecía esconder un secreto. Parecían sus últimas palabras. Recuerdo comentarselo a algunos de mis amigos. Sí, no es dificultad alguna augurar que un libro es último, cuando el escritor tiene 87 años. Pero en el caso de Saramago, algo me decía que estaba dejando un último testamento (ya escribiré sobre esto en otra entrada).
¡Saramago! Adios. Buen viaje, si es que hay alguno. Ahora perteneces al reino de los silencios. De las ausencias. Ahora hablarás más que nunca. Y yo seguiré (re)leyendo.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
ND/NF: La Pivellina: A story of compassion

This was probably the sweetest movie out of the festival. I didn't watch all the movies in the New Directors/New Films Festival of 2010, but I can probably say that this movie is in fact the sweetest of them all. I said it twice because I want you to notice.
It is the simplest out of all of the movies that I watched, and it plays out in a documentary fashion, which is in fact, the background that Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel bring to the table (In fact, this movie has become much more interesting after watching it and doing a bit of research, and it has to do with this very point). It has a very simple narrative structure that follows the life of an older couple that have a very modest (if not poor and decrepit) ambulant circus which they set up in parks, and parking lots alike, hoping for anyone to come and watch and give them some money. They live in tents and trailer homes with their goats and other animals that are part of the show. The story starts when Patty, the female of the couple, is walking her dog in the park, and finds a toddler girl, probably 2 or 3 years old, left alone in her swing. In the girl's jacket pocket, Patty finds a simple note that just says to take care of her, that she will be back soon for her. So Patty, not knowing what to do, decides to take the girl in, and assumes the copy is from her mother. Tairo, her husband, is not very happy with the situation, and urges Patty to call the cops. Tairo is worried that if the cops are to find out they are keeping a young girl that is not theirs, they will be accused of kidnapping, and because of their particular situation, or "otherness", the cops will not be sympathetic to their cause. I don't think cops are sympathetic to circus gypsies that keep little girls that don't belong to them. But if it were that simple. Patty does not want to call the cops because she hopes that her mother will come back, and she does not want the little girl to be taken away from the little mother, even if in fact, she doesn't know who this person is.
The movie plays out in poor neighborhoods of what appears to be Rome, and it is the simple story of Patty, Tairo and the young teenager (probably 13 or 14) Walter who falls in love in a fraternal fashion with the toddler, and is happy to take care of her, feed her, and keep her close to him to have the girl have a good time. All that Patty, Tairo and Walter are trying to do is to have Asia, the little girl, have a good time, and not be afraid that her mother is not around. Patty hopes that the mother will show at one point or another and claim the girl back. This finally becomes an ambiguous feeling as Patty starts feeling attached to Asia, her delicate smile, and her beautiful presence. Asia is indeed beautiful. I imagine it would be hard to capture the charisma of a three year old in film, and try to make it look as if it is not a film, as if it is in fact reality. Or maybe it's very easy. Maybe toddlers in movies, like Asia, don't know exactly what's going on, and just manage to have absolute fun. But Asia's happiness and sadness are both captured in this film which makes it absolutely beautiful, and devastating at times.
Walter is, by far, the strongest character in the film. He has a mix of naivete, good manners and boyish attitude that cannot but be absolutely natural. He gives a tremendous "performance" and by his young age and devoted care to Asia wins the audience easily. Nothing is more charming than a young boy taking care of a toddler. It's probably an old and stupid stereotype. I accept it. But boys are roudy, and careless and immature. And this boy is that, sure. Plays soccer, has a girlfriend and is mean to her, but also lives by himself in a trailer, cooks his own meals, and manages to care for this little girl in his innocent ways.
This is a poor, circus, gypsy, filthy, and ignorant family that lives in the outskirts of society. Struggling for money, with not even a "proper" home to live in, but they have something that is much more meaningful than any capitalistic consummer gain, whether it is money, a home, good clothes, a good education, a proper bath and a good family, they have compassion, for a stranger like Asia.
What seems very interesting about this film after having watched it, and after having done some research is that this is not the first film that features Patty, Walter and Tairo. The directing couple Covi and Frimmel had already featured these three characters in a DOCUMENTARY called "Babooska" in 2005. Babooska, if I don't remember incorrectly, is a minor character in this movie ("La pivellina"), I believe it is Walter's grandmother that appears from time to time, or maybe, does not appear, and she's just merely mentioned. "Babooska" was a documentary depicting the life of this circus act, and of all of the different aspects of Babooska's life and the lives of those that were close to her.
I don't think "La pivellina" is also a documentary. I believe it is a work of fiction, because of some of its narrative techniques. However, the fact that Patty, Walter and Tairo stop being real people, to play themselves as characters in this new movie is very interesting. I did not want to anticipate a post that I was planning later on where I was going to pull together all of these film reviews that I am doing, but I seem to be needing to give a little heads up by saying something here. This is a tremendous play on the idea of the "other". Patty, Walter and Tairo who function as "others" for society (because of the fact that they do not belong to the consumer-based capitalistic normative), take on the role of a person who is not really an "other" but an integral part of modern society (and probably some ancient societies as well), the "actor" in order to play that role of "otherness" that they originally represented. It's almost as if they stepped out of their own reality in order to see it clearly. And the audience now sees that we are all "others" that don't belong, or partially belong, but at the same time that we are not "others" because perhaps we are all capable of what this family was capable of, even if we don't practice it as much as we should, even when we forget day to day about how easy it is and how helpful it can be to "others". That thing that we are capable of doing is to have compassion for others. Strangers, foreigners, or friends. It's all the same thing anyway.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
ND/NF: I am love: An affair with Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton gives an spectacular performance in this Italian film by the young director Luca Guadagnino. Her Italian is probably not the best, but since she's playing a russian immigrant who married into the family of a textile factory empire, it's probably not very important in any case. This film, as all the others I watched in the 2010 version of ND/NF was a film that had me pondering over it for many an hour (partly the reason why I have not posted about them until now, two months after the festival). I am Love is an outdated sort of film. It's a story of love, deceit, desire and lust. And there are plenty of those. In Hollywood and outside. But perhaps it is much more than that. There are lots of things happening in the background, things that are said, and in my opinion, others equally interesting that are left unsaid.
The Recchi family is all you would expect of an upper class Milano family to be, and to look like. They have an air of entitlement, but they are respectful, mindful of their wealth, sophisticated, chic, and absolutely beautiful. The third generation, Edoardo, Elisabetta and Gianluca, are three young angels. They are stunning and very nice to look at. But they have their share of problems. The story of "Io sono l'amore" revolves around Emma (Tilda Swinton) and the infatuation that she starts developing over one of her son's Edoardo's friends, Antonio, who is an adept chef. Food takes in important role in the movie (Is that supposed to be very italian?, I don't know what to think...). There's cooking food, and enjoying food, and eating it, possibly, becomes a metaphor for consumming the phallus and for knowing that which is not oneself, for bridging boundaries, but it also has a taste of hedonism.
Yes, this family is the epitome of hedonism. They are the burgeoisie. Rich, powerful, sophisticated, the makers of culture. They are the embodiment of what society should be like. Families should be patriarchal, the power passed down from grandfather to fathers and sons (and this actually happens in the movie, when, grandpapa Recchi gives his son Tancredi and Edoardo ownership and control over the family business to continue on the dynasty, with the appropriate speech, of course), women should be pieces of furniture, adequately smart, of course, and beautiful, but they operate in the pheriphery of business, and they don't quite care much for it. Not that I care about business either. But if my family seems to be doing quite well in this whole textile company things, whether man or woman, I'd care to at least make sure that it continues, I suppose.
The only remark where one sees that women actually care to even comment on the business is when, after the company is passed down to Tancredi and Edoardo, Tancredi and his other son Gianluca decide that the company should not longer exist as tradition has perhaps set way and are trying to sell off the company so that it will become some sort of financial conglomerate and make the Recchis richer than ever. The person overseeing the process is a British Sikh, played by Waris Alhuwalia (who I have not seen playing main roles, but seems to me a very decent actor), and I point this out because I think it is very important for the movie that it is a British Sikh, and not anyone else who is assisting them in this financial move. The remark, to go back to the original point here, is made by Elisabetta who after hearing from worried Edoardo about what Tancredi and Gianluca are doing, just says "Well, we'll be even richer than before." Not without its mark of sarcasm. Edoardo loves his company, the legacy which was placed under his care, loves a particular way of life. One of the scenes features him, walking with his wife, around the company that he loves so much, mingling with workers somewhat, but at one point says something just fantastic, "Oh my grandfather used to eat in the cafeteria, with the workers, to make them feel as if he belonged with them." Right. He didn't. It was a charade. Like this whole movie seems. A charade of wealth, of money, of power. A charade about to be broken, dismantled, and a way of life to be exposed.
Two of the instances of the destruction of the burgeoisie way of life, of the idyll depicted in the movie, were already mentioned (Emma's infatuation with Edoardo's friend, and the selling of the textile company). One of the other moments where the perfect, idyllic, adorable milano family breaks apart is when Elisabetta confesses to her mother that she's gay, and is in love with another woman. Emma ends up cheating on her husband, and the infatuation with Antonio leads to a secret relationship between the two. Antonio does not want Edoardo, who has just financed Antonio's new restaurant in the outskirts of Milan, to know about his affair with Emma, and Emma, of course, does not want anyone in her family to know about Antonio.
Something very important to point out, and perhaps the foreshadowing moment for the emplotment of the movie happens when grandpapa Recchi is about to give the speech where he will pass down the company's control to Edoardo and Tancredi. It is the grandfather's birthday and Elisabetta, who had promised some of her artwork as a gift, gives her grandfather a photograph she has taken. Her grandfather does not seem very pleased, and asked her why she didn't paint a picture, and ends up dismissing the photograph and thanking Elisabetta and telling her that she still owes him a painting. Old art against new art.
The climax of the movie develops when Antonio prepares an important dinner at the Recchi Mansion for the Recchi family and Mr. Kubelkian (Ahluwalia), and Antonio makes the family a soup (again, food is very important!) that he has learned to make from Emma, revealing to Edoardo (the only one who catches on) his relationship with Edoardo's mother. Edoardo realizes instantly, looks at his mother and walks away from the table, shocked. Emma runs after him, and tries to speak to him. Edoardo is furious, disappointed, confused. They are speaking right outside the house, near a fountain pool, and in a freak accident, when Edoardo pulls away from his mother, he trips and falls hitting his head on the pool. Edoardo dies in the hospital, leaving behind a pregnant wife. It is not clear what is going on, or why Edoardo reacted exactly the way he did, but there had been a sexual tension built up between the two friends (Edoardo and Antonio), especially in Edoardo's looks toward Antonio, and although it is left unsaid, one can imagine that Edoardo was in love with Antonio. His resilience to let go of the past, let of go of his family's business legacy, becomes his resilience to accept himself, to accept the love that he clearly had for Antonio (Antonio probably loved him too...when Edoardo was getting married, Antonio didn't look too happy).
Perhaps the movie is some sort of analogy for Italian society. Not sure. A society that in the hands of Prime Minister Berlusconi (and AC Milan's owner) has been notorious for its nonacceptance of others, such as foreigners, and for its extreme right wing conservatism. It's perhaps too much to conclude, as my knowledge of Italian politics and culture is very limited. But as an outsider, this is my small commentary.
What's very interesting about this movie is that the relationship with those "others", with that "difference" that ultimately breaks down the Recchi dynasty is not absolutely clear. In one instance, Edoardo's resilience for the financial move (now, you see my point about the British Sikh?) seems to be honorable, Elisabetta's fear of not being accepted by her father and family is expected, and Edoardo's love for Antonio is not even mentioned. So it is not clear if the movie wants to sponsor an acceptance of that which is not tradition, of that which is an "other", of that which is "difference" in the world, or if in fact, is advocating against it. At the end, the movie seems a big parody. A parody of a perfect 20th century rich, traditional, powerful italian family. But it's the 21st century and it's not clear if the movie has a particular stance. And that's what makes the movie fantastic. It keeps its ambiguity and by doing that, shows the difficulty about a postmodern, globalizing, capitalistic, gender and sexually mixed world. There are no clear answers, and the power of tradition is awfully strong.
Emma, after Edoardo's funeral and her confession of her love for Antonio, takes off for her house, packs up (with the help of her loving maid, who cries as she helps her pack) some of her belongings and runs away with all of her family in the living room watching as she goes. She embraces Elisabetta for a last time, who is happy to see her leave, finally free from the Recchis, from herself.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
ND/NF Films: Dogtooth

This is one of the quirkiest films I have ever watched in my life. But it is also one of the most suggestive films as well. It is a story about a family that is absolutely controlled by the patriarch of the family. The film combines dark humor with a strange perversity that makes it very odd to watch. The family is composed of five family members. Two young girls and a young guy probably in their mid-twenties, the mother and father. The father works in a factory near their place of residence, and the mother and children remain in their home all the time. They are kept inside by a preposterous lie created by the father and mother that makes them fear the outside. It is not clear what this lie is, but is a tantalizing lie that makes one of the girls fascinated with the idea about the outside.
There is no clear story line to the movie, it is just a jumble of different happenings surrounding, mainly, the life of the three "children". In this sense, it is very clear that the movie is allegorical, because it is more preoccupied with creating a scenario, than by telling a story. This is not necessary a negative aspect of the movie. I suppose the teleological characteristic that is inherent in movie-making would suppose that there should exist a distinct story line with a distinct purpose, but plenty of bad movies are made that have distinct story lines and distinct purposes. Pick any Hollywood film and it will most likely be a great example of this.
The main point of Dogtooth is control. How ares lives controlled? The patriarch manages to control the lives of his children (and his wife as well but in a different way) by creating a paradigm that they understand and makes sense to them. The idea behind this paradigm is to keep the "children" inside the house. The outside is a terrible world that they are not ready to manage or to deal with. The father does this by many different means. The most important mean that he uses to control their lives is language. He uses language in a variety of ways. For example, objects are called by different names so that a "chair" may be called the "sea" or a "sofa" might be called "salt". I still don't quite understand why there is a need to use "wrong" names for certain objects, but it is part of the father's plan to control every aspect of his children's lives. One of the telling scenes of this control comes when the father, after having dinner with his family, asks the children if they would like to hear their grandfather sing. Then, he puts an old LP of Frank Sinatra in English (I should mention now this is a Greek movie in Greek, watched by me in translation) and translates the song as saying something like "Family is very important, children should be respectful and follow their parents' orders" etc. I don't know what the song was that played in the movie, but I think it is clear that the lines were "accurately" translated by the father for the purpose of ideological brainwash.
However, like in all apparatuses of ideological control, and the dogmas that are transmitted by these paradigms, there are things that don't make sense, and that create differences that translate to injustices. The father brings in a woman that is a security guard at the factory where he works to sleep with his son. It is left partially unsaid, but it is clear that it is believed that the boy has some certain sexual impulses that must be satiated; an impulse that is not shared by his sisters (right...). The movie fails in one point here...there is a scene in the movie where the sisters seem to be encountering, dealing and acting on those sexual impulses, and in a moment where one of the sisters wants to "lick" her sister, the movie shies away from having them experiment sexually. The sister ends up licking her sister's leg or shoulder but not other interesting spots that may be more...impulsive. It is not that this would satisfy my impulses as a viewer (ahh, possibly), but it makes the sisters look naive, and kind of ends up reinforcing the boy/girl difference and hierarchy.
The movie is disturbing at times. All the women in the movie are victims of psychological and physical violence that is, if I may, absolutely disgusting at times to watch. The mother is seen suffering throughout the movie for the lie that she's imposing in her own children. Why does she continue with this? It is not really answered. In a scene when the father meets the security guard (that has been sleeping with the son) after she has possibly jeopardized the idyllic nature of 'home' by lending some Hollywood movies to one of the sisters, the father beats the woman with a VCR in her apartment. It is an extremely violent scene. People in the theater were laughing, as the woman was violently beaten. I won't try to distinguish myself from other viewers. I wanted to laugh too, I controlled myself and I didn't. But this was intended. My whole reaction was intended by the director. Or so I think. And this is where this movie is brilliant.
The movie is called 'Dogtooth' because "only when one of the dogteeth (canine teeth) is longer than the other, will they be allowed to go outside", or so goes a saying that the sisters and brother talk about. One of the sisters then takes a five- or ten-pound weight to her face, breaks her dogtooth, leaving blood and tooth pieces al over the sink and runs away: someone will always want to run away into the unknown.
The implications of this movie are very interesting to think about. Home, outside, outsiders, insiders, immigration, boundaries, borders, foreignness. All of these themes, and ideas, are in question here.
More pseudo film reviews to come from ND/NF....
See you soon in our Cafetin!
Tumblr!!! and Twitter!
So, I've just started another blog at Tumblr for random media or pieces of information that I find that I would like to post, and share with the world. That blog is called "De todo y el silencio" or "Of Everything and Silences". I have linked this Tumblr as an RSS feed to the Coffee on the upper right hand corner...where it says "Xfilosofo Tumblr"....enjoy!!!
Also, I've added the RSS for my twitter right above that...Enjoy that too!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
ND/NF Festival
La versión 2010 del festival de New Directors/ New Films nos empieza a acompañar desde el día de hoy en NYC. Espero poder regalarles algunas criticas sobre algunas películas. Creo que será un festival muy interesante este año.
Algunas películas que se ven interesantes...pero no se olviden de mirar el website!
I Killed My Mother. Dir: Xavier Dolan

Nos vemos pronto!
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